
Aicoco Store

When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.

This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can manage, update and delete your information.


Things you create or provide to us. When you buy products on our website, you provide us with personal information that includes your name, phone number, email, consignee address, remark. When you create a member account, you provide us your email. When you to be our promote partner, you offer us your bank or Paypal account name so that receive the commission.


We collect information to provide below service:

1. Shipping goods to your destination.

2. Offer the before or after sales service.3.Product promote Information (this service is option).


When we need to shipping goods to you, your consignee inform ation will be let the forwarder know.


You can require us delete your information from our system, we will not record any of your information, and you will never receive our email or call for communicate. If you need to do this,please send us email: info@aicoco.com

Aicoco Live User Agreement

We would like to specifically remind you to read this Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") carefully before registering for "Transxin Film (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd." to ensure that you fully understand the terms of this Agreement. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not accept this agreement. Unless you accept all the terms of this Agreement, you have no right to register, log in or use the services covered by this Agreement. Your registration, login, use, etc. will be deemed as your acceptance of this Agreement and your agreement to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. This agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between us and the user regarding the App software service (hereinafter referred to as "service"). Users refer to individuals or organizations who register, log in, and use this service. This agreement can be updated by us at any time. Once the updated agreement terms are announced, they will replace the original agreement terms without further notice. Users can check the latest version of the agreement terms in this App. After modifying the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the modified terms, please immediately stop using the services provided by us. The user's continued use of the services provided by us will be deemed to have accepted the modified agreement.

1. Account registration
  1. 1. Users need to register an App account before using this service. This App account should be registered using a mobile phone number and email address. Users are requested to use a mobile phone number that has not been bound to this App account, and a mobile phone number that has not been blocked by our agreement to register an App account. We may change the method of account registration and binding according to user needs or product needs without notifying users in advance.

  1. 2. In view of the binding registration method of this App account, you agree that your mobile phone number and mobile phone device identification code and other information will be used for registration when registering this App.

  1. 3. When a user registers and uses this service, we need to collect personal information that can identify the user so that we can contact the user when necessary, or provide the user with a better experience. The information we collect includes but is not limited to the user's name and address; we agree that the use of this information will be subject to the constraints of Article 3 on the protection of users' personal privacy information.
2. Protection of users’ personal privacy information
  1. 1. If we discover or receive reports or complaints from others that a user violates this Agreement, we have the right to review and delete relevant content, including but not limited to user information and publishing records, at any time without notice, and take action against the violation depending on the severity of the case. Punishments including but not limited to warnings, account bans, device bans, and function bans will be imposed on the account, and the user will be notified of the results.

  1. 2. Users who have been banned for violating the user agreement can contact us by themselves. Among them, users who have been functionally banned will automatically have their banned functions restored after the ban period expires. Banned users can submit an appeal, and we will review the appeal and decide whether to change the punishment measures at our own reasonable discretion.

  1. 3. Users understand and agree that we have the right to punish violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement based on reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal action against any user who violates laws and regulations, and save relevant information and report to relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations, etc., the user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.

  1. 4. The user understands and agrees that the user shall indemnify and hold us, our cooperative companies and affiliated companies harmless from any claims, demands or losses, including reasonable attorney fees, claimed by any third party due to the user's violation of this Agreement. damaged.
3. Specifications for content published by users
  1. 1. The content mentioned in this article refers to any content produced, uploaded, copied, published, and disseminated by the user during the use of this App, including but not limited to account avatar, name, user description and other registration information and authentication information, or text, voice, Send, reply or automatically reply to messages and related link pages such as pictures, videos, graphics, etc., as well as other content generated by using the account or this service.

  1. 2. Users may not use this App account or this service to create, upload, copy, publish, or disseminate content prohibited by the following laws, regulations, and policies:
  • (1) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;
  • (2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
  • (3) Damaging national honor and interests;
  • (4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;
  • (5) Undermining national religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
  • (6) Spread rumors, disrupt social order, and undermine social stability;
  • (7) Spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigate crime;
  • (8) Insulting or defaming others and infringing upon others' legitimate rights and interests;
  • (9) Information containing other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
  1. 3. Users may not use this App account or this service to create, upload, copy, publish, or disseminate the following content that interferes with the normal operation of this App and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:
  • (1) Contains any sexual or sexually suggestive content;
  • (2) Contains insulting, intimidating or threatening content;
  • (3) Contains harassment, spam advertising, malicious information, and deceptive information;
  • (4) Involving other people's privacy, personal information or data;
  • (5) Infringe upon other's reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legitimate rights;
  • (6) Contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of this service and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.
4. Usage rules
  1. 1. Any content transmitted or published by users in or through this service does not reflect or represent, nor shall it be deemed to reflect or represent our views, positions or policies, and we do not assume any responsibility for this.

  1. 2. Users are not allowed to use this App account or this service to conduct the following behaviors:
  • (1) Submit or publish false information, or steal other people's avatars or information, impersonate or use other people's names;
  • (2) Forcing or inducing other users to pay attention to, click on linked pages or share information;
  • (3) Fabricating facts and concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;
  • (4) Using technical means to create fake accounts in batches;
  • (5) Use this App account or this service to engage in any illegal and criminal activities;
  • (6) Produce, publish methods and tools related to the above activities, or operate or disseminate such methods and tools, regardless of whether these activities are for commercial purposes;
  • (7) Other behaviors that violate laws and regulations, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of this App, or are not expressly authorized by us.
  1. 3. The user shall be solely responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy, validity, etc. of the information transmitted using this App account or this service. Any legal liability related to the information disseminated by the user shall be borne by the user himself, and we shall not Party has nothing to do with it. If any damage is caused to us or a third party, the user shall compensate us in accordance with the law.

  1. 4. The services we provide may include advertisements, and users agree to display advertisements provided by us and third-party suppliers and partners during use. Unless expressly provided by laws and regulations, users shall be solely responsible for the transactions conducted based on the advertising information. We do not assume any responsibility for the loss or damage suffered by the users due to the transactions conducted based on the advertising information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers.
5. Others
  1. 1. We solemnly remind users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt us from responsibilities and limit users' rights. Please read them carefully and consider the risks yourself. Minors should read this Agreement accompanied by a legal guardian.

  1. 2. The validity, interpretation and resolution of disputes of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any dispute or controversy occurs between the user and us, it should first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or controversy to the jurisdiction of the people's court with jurisdiction where we are domiciled.

  1. 3. Regardless of whether any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.

  1. 4. The final interpretation right of this agreement belongs to us.
Aicoco Live Privacy Policy

Welcome to visit our products. Aicoco Live (Including services provided by products such as apps and websites, hereinafter referred to as "products and services") are provided by Transxin Film (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") developed and operated. Ensuring the data security and privacy protection of users is our top priority. This privacy policy sets out the data collected when you access and use our products and services and how it is processed.

Aicoco Live App use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Last updated: May 17, 2024.

Please be sure to read carefully and confirm that you fully understand all the rules and key points of this Privacy Policy before continuing to use our products. Once you choose to use it, you are deemed to agree to the entire content of this Privacy Policy and agree to our collection and use of you in accordance with it. related information. If you have any questions about this policy while reading, you can contact our customer service for consultation, please info@aicoco.com Or contact us via feedback on the product. If you do not agree with the relevant agreement or any terms thereof, you should stop using our products and services.

This privacy policy helps you understand the following:

  1. 1. How we collect and use your personal information;
  2. 2. How we store and protect your personal information;
  3. 3. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information;
  4. 4. your rights.
1. How we collect and use your personal information

Personal information refers to various types of information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information. We comply with the requirements of the "Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Information Security Technology Personal Information Security Specifications" (GB/T 35273-2017) and other relevant laws and regulations, and strictly follow the principles of legitimacy, legality and necessity, for your We collect and use your personal information during the use of the services and/or products we provide, including but not limited to phone number, email address, etc.

In order to receive our comprehensive product services, you should first register a user account through which we will record relevant data. All information you provide comes from data you provide when registering, as well as data we obtain from third-party partners. The account name, password, and your personal contact information you plan to use, we may verify whether your identity is valid by sending a text message or email.

2. How we store and protect your personal information

As a general rule, we only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. We will retain your personal information for as long as strictly necessary to manage our relationship with you (for example, when you open an account and obtain services from our products). We may need to retain your archived personal information beyond the expiration of the above periods for the purpose of complying with legal obligations or to demonstrate that a right or contract satisfies applicable statutes of limitations requirements and will not be able to delete it at your request. When your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes or archival purposes for which we are subject to legal obligations or statutory limitations, we ensure that they are completely deleted or anonymized. If you confirm that you no longer use our products and services and actively cancel your account as required, all information will be completely deleted.

We use industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide and encrypt key data to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonably feasible measures to protect your personal information. We will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; we will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent data from malicious attacks.

3. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

When needed to manage our daily business activities and to pursue our legitimate interests to better serve our customers, we will use your personal information in a compliant and appropriate manner. For business and comprehensive consideration of all aspects, we only use this data ourselves and do not share it with any third parties.

We may share your personal information externally in accordance with laws and regulations, or in accordance with the mandatory requirements of government authorities. Subject to complying with laws and regulations, when we receive the above request to disclose information, we will require the issuance of corresponding legal documents, such as a subpoena or a letter of investigation. We firmly believe that the information we are asked to provide should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law.

In the following circumstances, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent:

  1. 1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;
  2. 2. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;
  3. 3. To protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests but it is difficult to obtain your consent;
  4. 4. Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;
  5. 5. Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;
  6. 6. Necessary to enter into and perform a contract at the request of the personal information subject;
  7. 7. Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and handling product or service failures;
  8. 8. Other situations specified by laws and regulations.
4. your rights

In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, regulations, standards, and common practices in other countries and regions, we guarantee that you can exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information:

  1. 1. Access your personal information;
  • You have the right to access your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations. If you wish to exercise your right to access your data, you can do so yourself by:

  • Account Information - If you wish to access or edit the profile information and payment information in your account, change your password, add security information, or close your account, you can do so by accessing your profile on our website or app, Change passwords and other related pages to perform such operations. However, due to security and identification considerations or in accordance with mandatory provisions of laws and regulations, you may not be able to modify the initial registration information provided during registration. If you are unable to access this personal information through the above methods, you can send an email to info@aicoco.com at any time, or contact us according to the methods provided on the website or application.

  1. 2. Correct your personal information;
  • When you discover an error in the personal information we process about you, you have the right to ask us to make a correction. You can send an email to info@aicoco.com at any time, or contact us according to the methods provided on the website or application.
  1. 3. Delete your personal information;

  • You can make a request to us to delete your personal information in the following situations:
  1. 1. If our processing of personal information violates laws and regulations;
  2. 2. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;
  3. 3. If our processing of personal information violates our agreement with you;
  4. 4. If you cancel your account;
  5. 5. If we no longer provide products or services to you.
  • If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that obtained your personal information from us and require them to delete it promptly, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, or these entities obtain your independent authorization. When you or we assist you in deleting relevant information, we may not be able to immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system due to applicable laws and security technologies. We will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing. Until the backup can be purged or made anonymous.
  1. 4. Personal information subject cancels account;
  • You can cancel your previously registered account at any time, please send an email to info@aicoco.com .

  • After canceling your account, we will stop providing products or services to you and delete your personal information according to your request, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.